And MSI has well understood it: However, it just tells us to not optimize the expression. Then what is the solution? You can download MSI Kombustor 2. Afterburner forum or in the comments section of this article. msi kombustor 2.5.2

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August 22, Freeware. A new version of MSI Kombustor is available for download. Contact us about this article. Claim or contact us about this channel. You can post your feedbacks or bug reports in this thread Guru3D forum or in this post. Home Help Search Login Register.

msi kombustor 2.5.2

I don't think anyone would mind if their dies 10 years later. Fixed with a recompilation using a different compiler setting.

MSI Kombustor has been updated to version 2. Like for the Warm Up, just submit a X-score or a P-score actually when you submit a score, you participate to both competitions. The goal of the Precision Challenge is to reach a target score. Added on January 10,7: However, it just tells us to not optimize the expression.

Both 32 and bit versions have been updated. Can the admins move it to the correct one? Compare both following scores:. Depending on the preset, the fractal is made up of 4 million preset: Cubic asteroids geometry instancing and tessellated ground.

MSI Kombustor – Geeks3D

Distributor Senior Member 2, posts Joined: That's what it is for: We do honor the precise keyword. What temperature does the GPU get up to when running Kombustor? The embedded GPU Shark kkmbustor been updated to version 0.

If you're talking about high resolutions like x on certain games, you still need a Crossfire setup to get a good 60 fps. Now there is only one mode with reasonable heavy load. Quickly said, the soft shadow algorithm uses two passes: To reach the target score, you must use MSI Afterburner to overclock or underclock your graphics card.

msi kombustor 2.5.2

You can download the latest beta version of Kombustor 2. Are you the publisher? Channel Catalog Subsection Catalog. The embedded GPU Shark has been updated to version 0. Real new things will take place with the branch 2. And like in FluidMark 1.

MSI Kombustor – Geeks3D

But in order to participate to the Kombustor competition and have the score displayed on MSI Kombustor competition homepage, users must submit with a login. Embed this content in your HTML.

The first competitors reaching the target scores win the prizes.


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